If you’ve ever had your blood drawn before, you’ve got it done by a phlebotomist! Their purpose is to do precisely that -- collect blood samples from patients safely and efficiently.
They work under medical lab teams in places like hospitals, doctor offices, and diagnostic labs. No education or a particular degree is required to work as a phlebotomist but If you are interested in phlebotomist job offers, be sure to consider obtaining at least a high school diploma or a G.E.D. If you want to level up after that, getting a state license or certification is a great option.
By obtaining this part-time job, you’ll be able to help plenty of people in their health journeys, interact with them, and earn great pay. It’s a wonderful time to apply for this position, as it’s in higher demand than ever.
If you ever wanted to work in the healthcare industry but thought medical school was always too inaccessible, being a phlebotomist may be perfect for you!
Hourly wage: up to $17.07 per hour [11]
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The digital era is not just about smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It's also about applying and finding the best jobs that can secure your career. DreamJob.Work is a free job offers website platform, we are trying our best to establish job seekers online application for employers who are continuously searching for talents.
If you are a job seeker, you're probably trying to find a job near you or online but you are faced with a number of challenges in finding that perfect new job. While landing an interview is probably the most difficult aspect of the process, finding employment once you're in the door can be another challenge.
Try to be proactive and not too hasty when applying for a job online and remember that employers increasingly turn to digital job boards as a primary way to find and hire employees, it's more important than ever to make sure you're applying the right way. Check our resources sections for free tips about making your journey successful.