15 High Paid Hourly Jobs To Consider

Chaviva D. Content Editor

1- Building Caretaker

janitor Jobs

A building caretaker or a janitor have one of the most crucial roles in any building when it comes to making sure that it is clean and beautiful. Without them, we would have long been used to dirty and unsanitary spaces.

Especially during COVID-19, janitors also play a key role in disease prevention by making sure surfaces are not only free of dirt and grime but also harmful and infectious bacteria. 

If you decide to work as a janitor, you can work in almost any building you’d like, whether it be a school, office, hospital, or a tall skyscraper that you’ve always been curious to explore.

If you’re good with your hands, you might also be able to do small repairs, like replacing a leaky faucet. Learning these skills might not only help you with a pay raise but also be beneficial for maintaining your home! 

You can also gladly expect on-the-job training once you’re hired, so no need for previous work experience.

Hourly wage: up to $13.19 per hour [15]

Final Thought

Now that you’ve seen 15 of some of the highest hourly wage jobs that are accessible to almost everyone, you’re equipped with the knowledge to bring that extra income source into your lifestyle.

No matter who you are, whether you’re looking for part-time work, already have a full-time job, or are just curious about how to dive into a new experience, there’s always something you can get out of a job that pays a high hourly wage.

You’ll not only get the money, but find some new skills, interests, and experiences that can last you a lifetime!

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