Here is the list of all the 9 Top Brands you can apply to as a beta tester. Make sure your read their terms and conditions before you apply.
Do not hesitate to share with us your best brand and the best pair of shoes you would love to try.
It might be worth checking if these programs are applicable to your country of residence. If you would like to expand more on the subject please email us and we will be contacting these companies and compiling a list of authorized countries.
Every time a company rolls out a new product, they want to know how average customers are going to like them before they actually mass-produce and sell them. That’s why most companies will have testing and evaluation departments who are in charge of sending out samples to a group of selected customers to receive feedback about how to better the product.
That’s where you come in. By signing up to become a product tester at any of the companies below, you’ll be up for consideration. After you get approved for the program, the shoe company in this case will send you a pair of shoes and a prepaid shipping label once your testing time frame is over.
You’ll be free to wear them as normally as you want over a few weeks, giving it its usual wear and tear. Once you try the shoes through a few different environments and evaluate them, some companies may require that you send them back so they can observe the wear on them.
Other companies may send you another free pair of shoes after the testing trial for you to entirely keep. If not, then they might reward your time with loads of cash or vouchers. Before you sign up, the company will let you know how it plans to compensate you.
What you’ll find in this article are 9 of the top shoes athletic testing programs from famously known companies. If you fancy a great pair of running and athletic shoes, which are a must-need in every household, feel free to sign up for as many programs as you want.