A chief nursing officer sits at the very top of all nursing management professionals in all the healthcare organizations. To get started down this career path, you’ll want to try out some nursing school and get to know the ins and outs of what it means to be a nurse.
Once you have a solid understanding, you can be a confident chief nursing officer that everyone will look up to. Your duties will involve strategic planning, effective leadership, and senior management expertise. If all those sound appealing to you, get ready for an exciting career.
Salary: up to $310,258 a year[11].
Source : va.gov
If you’ve always wanted to travel the world and get paid for it, you can be a travel nurse! Especially during the pandemic where healthcare needs all hands-on deck, travel nurses are in higher demand than ever because some areas need more help than others.
Because you know you’re going to travel frequently, the roles at each place will be short-term. Wherever there are nursing shortages, that’s where you come in. Along the way, you’ll see new places, faces, and make a whole lot of new friends. Great pay and free housing are also major perks. Years of experience do not affect salaries much, so being a travel nurse is great job for those just starting out.
Salary: up to $63,792 + benefits and housing allowance[12].
This job is special because instead of caring for a wide variety of patients, most of whom you may not see again, being a family nurse practitioner means that you will spend a lot of time with families or individuals for most of their lives.
You’ll be able to develop close relationships with them and keep up to date with their pains and aches over the years. Because you know their medical history, it’s much easier to diagnose any illnesses and prescribe medicine. If you want a more personalized time with your patients, being a family nurse practitioner will serve you well.
Average salary: $129,411 a year[13].
Because the field of nursing is so diverse and always in high demand, there will always be positions for you if you’re considering to be a nurse. With quality training in a nursing school or nursing program, you’ll easily be able to find a specialty that speaks to your heart and discover a rewarding career for your obtained degree.