Top 10 Jobs that Pay over $100 an Hour

Ayala S. Content Editor

In this day and age, one of the quickest ways to build wealth is to acquire a job that pays a high hourly wage. Even though it might be surprising, there are many jobs out there on the market that pay an hourly wage as high as $100 an hour! 

That means with a regular 9-5 schedule, you could be earning up to $800 a day. What’s even better than that is the yearly salary. Opting for these jobs could help you make a salary well into the six-figures range at around $200,000 annually. That would instantly skyrocket you as one of the top earners around the world.

Believe it or not, but it isn’t as difficult to grab one of these jobs as you might think. As long as you take a look at the jobs in this article and see what fits you best, you can begin on the journey to building that dream salary, no matter what your current job is. All it takes are the skills and the power of getting started.

Without further ado, let’s jump right ahead into the top 10 jobs that pay handsomely at over $100 an hour.
