15 Work-From-Home Jobs that Pay More than The Average Salary

Ayala S. Content Editor

1. Chocolate and Candy Taste Tester

Yes! you read that right. Sometimes, there’s nothing better than getting to indulge in your sweet tooth and trying the most delectable candies out there. 

Now you can eat your chocolate for free, judge it, and get paid for it. Believe it or not, but companies will hire a lot of testers for these deliciously tasty positions.

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source : Linkedin.com
source : Linkedin.com
source : Linkedin.com

Why so? Sometimes these candy companies will produce too many flavors and need to narrow down their options for their next candy batch. That’s where you come in. 

Chocolate and Candy Taste Tester on Twitter

You’ll taste the candy, write a few sentences about your thoughts, and have an important say in the next candy line. If the candy already isn’t enough, you can be paid upwards of $30 an hour!

This job is perfect for the candy lover in you.

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