You posted your resume on a few job boards two months ago and haven't been getting calls? Well here are a few ideas that will ensure that you get to the top of the pile, above other candidates, and be chosen by hiring managers for that interview.
You've done the basics and still no job. Resume writing is difficult. Let's say you have a resume you feel good about; see if you have the essentials.
- Is your resume layout neat and professional? It must be consistent and come across professionally. This is your first impression and your resume writing is all they have to demonstrate this early in the job hunt.
- Is your resume results-oriented or is it just your job description? It should differentiate your background from others with a similar background. Make a resume that differentiates you from the pack. Make it results-oriented.
- Do you have keywords in your resume appropriate for the very job you are hoping for? If not, look at their job description for words they seem to care about. They are generally listed in the job description.
Now what can you do to stand out even more? There are a few options that will assist you in getting to the top of the pile for career sites.
- Timing is everything. Pretty simple, huh? Let's start with the most simple way to make your resume stand out. The most recent postings are on top. You want to post your resume over and over again, making a few changes here and there to make it seem like new information. This can put you closer to the top on the job boards.
- Do you take Visa? Many of the career sites offer an upgrade service for a small or even large fee. It ranges. This seems like a gimmick. It is not.
How does it work? When you pay for an upgrade the career site puts you above everyone based on how much you paid, even those who were just posted today and did not pay for the upgrade. It is a good way to be found.
- Wear different hats. Make a resume for each type of job you are going for. You should have a different resume specific to the industry you are going toward.
Get resume help if you need to, but a sales resume should have numbers, percentages and awards in a quick and concise format.
Your resume for management should emphasize your career growth and promotions due to your success throughout your career. With little changes you have two resumes.
So don't be afraid to create a resume based on a job description you just MUST have.
- Be a crowd pleaser. Now companies have an idea of the qualifications they are looking for. Find those qualifications in your own background. Let's say they want sales experience. You were in marketing, but had to sell your team on ideas you had for projects.
That counts. Put it in the resume in a way that will represent you in the light the employer is looking to hire. There are a few ways to tell any story. Your career history is a great story. Tell it the way you think will be best for each audience.
These tips should arm you with the knowledge you need for a successful job search online. Go get 'em!!