Do you feel unsatisfied with your current job because there is nothing more to learn? Is your current boss too impossible to ask for a pay-raise or benefit? Do you feel a victim of your workplace politics?
If you reply in positive for any of the above-mentioned questions, then it is time for you to consider changing your job. But before you start your hunt for the new job, you must find the right point to start this journey.
Finding a job opportunity gets challenging if you do not know the path to a right job. Other than the required skills and experience, you will need some guidelines to help you in this journey. Here are some DO’s and DON’T’s that will serve as signposts on your roadmap to a successful job search journey:
Do: Be prepared before the D-day comes
Keep all your documents up-to-date that include the resume, cover letter and all your academic and professional documents. Always keep a resume and cover letter in stand-by so that you can use it once you find a job opportunity. Make your dress available in case you get an interview call for the next day.
Don’t: Never use a template resume for every job
You must craft a unique resume and cover letter as per the specifications of the job advertisement. Make sure to use the relevant industry words or keywords wherever possible and cluster them at the right places on your resume and cover letter.
Do: Make the most from what cyber world has to offer you
Create profile at different job portals and websites to maximize your online presence. Majority of the employers use internet to search potential candidates through employment websites. This is safe and easy and at the same time also saves the employer’s time. Put job email alerts on different job websites so that you are informed if there is an opportunity that matches with your skills and experience.
Don’t: Do not ignore online job boards
While the popular employment websites charge a huge amount of fee from the companies, hiring an online job board is significantly affordable for the employers. That is why most of the employers prefer online job boards to hunt potential candidates for a job position, making it a viable job resource for the job seekers.
Do: Invest a little time from your daily schedule to your job hunt process
Dedicate a specific time of the day to this task. This will make you informed about the status of your job application as well as keep you alert and updated for any existing opportunity. If you don't have time or you don't know how to do it, you can request our team and we can see how we can help you with that for Free.
Don’t: Do not forget your professional contacts and referees
There are many jobs in the market that are offered on word of mouth. Typically, these jobs are offered to internal candidates without making the jobs public. So always work on your personal and professional contacts that may help you in any of your future job opportunities.
Do: Consider taking a short course to polish your skills
This will refresh your skills as well as give you an edge over other candidates.
Don’t: Do not waste your time by applying to a wrong job
Never just blindly apply to any available opportunity. Always be sure that the job is open and make sure about the eligibility to qualify for the job position. Check that the requirements of the job match with your skills and experience.
Do: Provide a clear contact number and email address that can easily be accessed at any time of the day
Never provide an email address that suggests adult or crude elements such as [email protected]. Never use your work email for corresponding with the potential employers and rather create a separate email address for this purpose.
Don’t: Do not elongate the resume or cover letter
Keep your resume and cover letter to a standard size, i.e. One page for cover letter and 2-3 pages for a resume.
Do: Be positive and wait for the right opportunity
It takes time to grab an attractive job position. Remember that not all jobs are meant for you, so apply to a right opportunity at the right time.
Don’t: Do not give away contact information of your referees without first informing them
Doing so can offend your referee and may spoil your terms with him.