5 Tips for First Time Job Applicants

2- Get involved in your chosen field

Even though you don't have a job yet, you can still gain valuable experience in your field by joining a professional or trade organization.

Joining organizations like the Society of Professional Journalists or the American Management Association will inform you of the latest trends in your field.

Consider your monthly meetings as an opportunity to share ideas and network with others who share your career aspirations. Many professional societies even have job banks.

The easiest way for you to find an avenue into a career in your field is to surround yourself with professionals in that field.

The fact that you are willing to volunteer your time demonstrates your dedication to the profession. Extracurricular activities also have a dynamite affect on your resume. Strive to be more than just a member of the organization; try to become an officer or committee head.

For example, if you are interested in an accounting career, run for treasurer of your organization. Any role that is more active than just a member shows great initiative and leadership ability. Experience puts you on the fast track to the job you have been waiting for.
