How to Request a Pay Raise to Your Boss

Keeping in view today’s current economic condition, it is pretty unlikely that your employer will ask you to come to his office and grant you a considerable increment, unless of course if you request a pay raise yourself.

Requesting for a pay raise is literally a dreadful task and not many employees have the courage or the confidence to stand firm before their employer and request a raise. However, by following the below listed sure-fire tactics you will learn how to request a pay raise to your boss in an efficient manner.

Prepare Yourself

The first and foremost thing you need to do is to prepare yourself. Do not just go unprepared and knock straight at the door of your employer’s office.

Remember that approaching the employer can be nerve-wracking sometimes and it becomes even more intimidating when you knock at his door with the intention of asking for a pay raise. So before going to his office and asking him face-to-face for increment it would be great if you first do a little rehearsal and prepare yourself.

Think of the answers to the questions that the employer may ask when you ask him for a raise. Also, it is always a great idea to mail a proper pay raise request letter to your employer and wait for his response. If the employer doesn’t respond to the letter, go straight to his office.

Pick the Right Day and the Right Time

It is recommended that an employee should wait for the right day and the right time to ask for a pay raise to his/her employer. For instance, if you have just received an award for the excellent performance of the year then this is the right time to ask for a pay raise.

Keep in mind that the success of your pay raise request partly depends on what time you choose to request it. Likewise if you know that the net sales of your company for the current year didn’t go that well then no matter how excellent you performed this year never request an increment.

Have a Clear Reason for the Increment Request

Know that when you go to your employer’s office for requesting an increment the first question your employer will ask is: Why? So to respond to his question you first need to think of several or at least one good reason why you should be given a pay raise.

Have you been performing extra tasks that are out of your current job responsibilities? Have you been giving over-time to help your company increase its sales? Have you been training the new recruits? Or, have you been offered a better pay at another firm?

Request with Utter Confidence

Don’t be afraid to ask the employer for a pay raise. Majority of the employees afraid only because they think that they might detriment their reputation before the employer or the employer might release them from their responsibilities, in other words fire them.

Well this is all just a misconception and nothing more. In the worst case only your request will be rejected, that’s all. Therefore don’t be afraid and ask for the increment with complete confidence.

Don’t be disappointed if your request is rejected the first time because there will come many times when your request will be heard.
