It will be an understatement to say that your resume is important in landing your dream job (or just any job) as human resource representatives and employers rely primarily on your resume to pre-evaluate you.
Your resume contains what you can offer to the company. Basically, your resume serves as the first impression you make on your possible employer.
So, you have to make that first impression count!
If they find your resume impressive enough to widen their eyes, then, congratulations – you have a higher chance of getting an invitation for an interview.
It’s like an advertisement to sell your skills to employers. Yes, these sound cliché but many fail to realize how resume can be your ticket to your dream job.
Try these simple tips in making an impressive resume and your a step forward on your way to your dream job!
Limit your resume to a maximum of two pages. Be concise and be clear. Also, do use a professional looking font and format. This way, the employer’s attention won’t be shifted away.
Avoid using informal data such as your high school email address because undeniably, most teenagers in their days used ridiculously named email addresses such “[email protected]” and that’s a big turnoff for the personnel reviewing the resumes.
You may use your name in the email to make it look formal and easy to remember such as in the format of “First [email protected].”
Ok, let’s make it easy for you, just compose what we call the modern resume header which looks a little something like this:
See how the Linkedin account and the job title desired are added. Feel free to create your own modern resume header; add your website if you have one, if you’re a graphic designer you can add your deviantArt of Flickr account, play around with details positioning but keep it easy on the eyes and don’t overdo it.
Writing information such as your weight, height, hobbies, like and dislikes is so 20 years ago. After all, this is a resume and not a personal data sheet.
Be sure that you include a career objective that is relevant for the position and company you’re applying for.
Yup, it pays to research the company.
Keep in mind that employers are interested to know what you can offer to the company and not just the things you can do. Be sure to highlight what and how the company will benefit if they hire you.
Tell them that you are what the company is looking for and the first step is not to show them that your lazy putting a template objective – compose a tailored, customized (whatever you call it) objective.
For veterans, you can substitute this with professional summary:
This adds spice to your resume. It tells your potential employer that you can do other things other than what they require and that it would benefit their company.
Write down your skills which will back up for the job description. You may also put some skills which aren’t directly related but can help in maximizing and improving the outcome of the job.
For veterans, do include your working experience and write it down with the recent item first. this will give the employers of what responsibilities you have taken care of. This will also help them evaluate your capacity. do not forget to put the scope of work from every experience!
For first-timers, it’s okay to put your internship experience. It is still a glimpse of how big of a responsibility you can handle. If ever you have experienced doing volunteer work, it will also look splendid on your resume!
And believe it or not, it also speaks much about your character.
This probably the most “underrated” section. Include your educational attainment from high school until your latest educational achievement. Do write it with the most recent item first. Don’t forget to put inclusive date as well. Try to include related seminars and training you underwent during college.
Of course, your educational background will also be important for the employer especially for the fresh graduates. It gives them a look of what kind of training you might have undergone with the school you graduated from.
There you have it, you now know how to create a Rockstar resume.
Remember, whether your submitting your resume manually or digitally, always keep your resume neat and readable- easy on the fonts dear member.