13 Part-Time Jobs for Students That Pay Well

Ayala S. Content Editor

4- Grocery Store Bagger 

During the times that you’ve visited grocery stores to pick up some goods, chances are that you’ve seen a worker on the other end of the conveyor belt who puts all your goods in bags and helps you carry them out. Once you apply and are hired for this role, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing as a part-time grocery store bagger. 

After a customer meets with the cashier to purchase their groceries, you’ll take each item and place it in a bag in the neatest possible way. Sometimes the customers will carry their bags, or you’ll be required to carry them out and place them in the trunk of their cars. This job is a great way for you to obtain some extra arm muscle from all the maneuvering and can help build your communication skills as you interact directly with customers.
