13 Part-Time Jobs for Students That Pay Well

Ayala S. Content Editor

5- Retail Sales Associate

As a retail sales associate, interacting with customers will be your number one job responsibility and priority. As a part-time job, it’s a fantastic opportunity to exercise your verbal skills and learn about sales tactics to get customers to purchase. What you’ll do in this role is usually stand at the front entrance of a store and greet customers as they walk in. Because you’ll be familiar with the deals of the day or products on sale, you’ll be able to alert customers and help with any concerns or questions they may have. 

The job could even potentially be a lot of fun if the store you pick to apply to is one that you have a passion for. For example, if you love to read, working as a retail sales associate at a bookstore may be an enjoyable experience for you. Getting to spend time in a place that you love all while earning an extra income makes for a perfect part-time job as a student.
