If you’re too overqualified for a job, that may be a reason why employers have rejected you in the past. The large gaps between the actual job requirements and your experience can convince employers to bypass you because they suspect you’ll ask for a higher salary than what they want to provide, won’t want to stay on long-term, and view the job as a temporary steppingstone where you’ll soon want to find a better job.
Even if you might be overqualified, there are still a few solutions to ensure that you’ll be kept into the consideration pool for the next jobs you apply for. On your application, address the elephant in the room right off the bat, namely your overqualification. Emphasize that you’re willing to be very flexible with your salary and that you’re passionate about the line of work. The clearer you are, the more likely you’ll be granted an interview. Don’t forget to always demonstrate excitement to do the required tasks, though they may be less complex than your previous experiences.
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